Spring Piglets!
Sunday morning Scott & Julie found Ginger, one of our sows, having her spring piglets. When she was done Ginger had managed to come up with 11 little pigs. Unlike other animals on the farm, these little piglets are up and walking around almost immediately after being born. This helps them get out of the way when mom lies down. Because of the weather Ginger and her babies were moved to the barn where it will be more comfortable and a bit warmer for a few weeks. The piglets, like the lambs we have, are sold or raised to supply the school with meat for the school year. We usually keep two or three of them to feed ourselves, and the rest are sold. If you‘re interested in buying an organic feeder piglet or piglets from The Meeting School please call the office at 603-899-3366, and we‘ll put you in contact with the farm coordinator. Pictures coming soon!