Monday, July 13, 2009

Farm and Wilderness Girls Visit The Meeting School

From July 9 - 12, TMS hosted eleven 11 -12 year old girls and two counselors from Farm and Wilderness camp (

They were the first of three Farm and Wilderness groups we will host on campus this summer. The campers typically spend 3 - 4 days doing gardening projects as part of the camp's service component. Other camp activities include hiking, canoeing, and art projects.

Thanks to their visit, we have now reclaimed our squash and corn. The campers also picked apple droppings, inventoried the food supplies on campus, sampled the remaining strawberries, helped out with chores and got to view the milking process.

1 comment:

Frederick said...

Apple droppings? I know the chicken droppings are good fertilizer, but we usually call them apple-tree "drops" --the apples that dropped off the trees.

I hear that the *real* focus of the week was valiantly nursing a family of field mice found near their tent-site in Thomas Field. I hope the girls were successful... as long as the mice don't migrate into Thomas House itself!
