Monday, July 06, 2009

Bringing in the Harvest

Weeks of rain have given way to several days of sunshine, and The Meeting School harvest is in full swing.

To date, staff and interns have harvested and put up more than 50 lbs of spinach, 5 lbs edible pod peas, and 24 lbs of strawberries for the upcoming school year, and have taken 10 heads of lettuce to the local food pantry. Bruschetta, the School's milking cow, is producing approximately four gallons a day and the chickens are laying 1/2 dozen eggs a day.

Farm intern Joan Johnson has been busily picking potato bugs off of the potato plants; it took her almost ten hours to pluck them all off over the weekend and she will be feeding them to the ducks on campus.

We have also harvested scapes, which are part of the top of the garlic plant. Scapes can be used very much like the garlic root bulb.

Here are some garlic scape ideas:

  • Add sliced scapes to any stir fry recipe
  • Chop and add to softened cream cheese
  • Sprinkle on bruschetta (the food, not the cow) or pizza
  • Slice and sprinkle over any pasta or sauce recipe
  • Chop into guacamole and fresh salsa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't forget pickled garlic scapes! by far, the best thing to do with scapes. yum!