Monday, December 07, 2009

What Are They Doing? 2010 Student Intersession Plans

During Intersession, a four-week block of time in January, all students leave campus and do independent study projects in an area of special interest to them. The project might be an internship, travel, a service project, or any other educational opportunity that they can participate in full-time for those four weeks. Finding, designing and organizing an educational, exciting Intersession project is an important challenge each student faces every year.

Plans for Intersession 2010 include two internships at Koinonia (, a Christian farm community in Americus, Georgia, whose many accomplishments include founding Habitat for Humanity; volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans; an internship with Quaker Earthcare Witness; working with endangered wolves in northern New Hamsphire, and assisting with a sleep research lab at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. Projects taking place abroad include a trip to do volunteer service in Africa (Ghana), and traveling in Italy to study Italian, work with sick children, and assist in a school teaching English.

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